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Writer's pictureNurul Ezkanandyta

What is Kinder-Headstart?

Updated: Apr 17, 2018

Preschool Gifted and Talented are program from Department of Education Philippines with long process of assessment and also Curriculum for the preschool gifted and talented. K-Headstart program which have kinds of learning method, components include objectives, content, teaching-learning activities, teaching strategies/approaches, resources, assessment and differentiation.

Cooperative learning is a method approach in which pupils in the group share, help, participate, and cooperate with one another in learning. Children share their ideas and resources with members of the group. All the children share their talents-the more capable students helping others to learn. Members of the group participate actively and cooperate with one another. Cooperative learning as developed here does not seem to apply to gifted students but rather to classes of mixed abilities and to head start but upper level classes

In organizing for a cooperative learning classroom, the following principles should be observed :

1. The class is divided into small groups normally to six. The group made up of children of mixed abilities and some may be high achievers.

2. Members of the group work towards the achievement of group goals which could be a higher average score or performance of the group.

3. Generally the tasks of the group are divided among members. Each group member is expected to contribute one way or another to the achievement of the goals. The success of individual members is considered the success of the total group.

4. Members of the group support, accept and trust each other. They regard the contributions and behavior of their group members as their own and learn to recognize and work with the strengths and capabilities of each and every member of the group

5. Members of the group help, share, and cooperate with one another in the learning process. The higher achieving pupils encourage those of lesser learning process. The higher achieving pupils ancourage those of lesser ability to dry harder and to achieve while those for whom learning is more difficult are recognized for their contributions as well.

The Interest-Based Curriculum is centered in the child’s areas of interest to create meaningful learning experiences. Emphasis on the development of communication skills, numeracy, sensory-perceptual skills, motor and creative development skills, and socio-emotional skills. Build areas of interest:

· Build and Match

· Let’s Play

· I Can Feel It

· Dances and Sing-along

Thematic Curriculum Approach is recognizes learning around ideas. It provides a framework of linking content and process variety of disciplines. The theme provides coherence and focus on the accompanying activities. It also enables learner to see the meaningful connections and inter relatedness across content of skills areas. The emphasis will be on four different themes:





Learning materials and innovation

1. Clips art

2. Laminated Picture

3. Miniature 2 Dimension

Source of Learning and technology

1. Projector

2. Television

Authentic Assessment

Recruitment, Screening and Identifying the Gifted and Talented Preschoolers


Recruitment - A division memorandum from the Division Superintendent will be issued to the field for dissemination re: recruitment, screening and identification of gifted and talented preschoolers. Recruitment of pupils from the different barangays, public and private preschools, Day Care centers will be done through day care and preschool teachers. Any child who exhibits exceptional ability in any academic or non-academic areas (arts, music, leadership skills, social skills, etc.) may be considered in the recruitment of the gifted and talented preschoolers.


1. Submission of a duly accomplished information sheet with 2 x 2 picture of the child

2. Birth Certificate

3. Medical/Dental Record

4. Accomplished Parent's Checklist I Questionnaire on Identifying Gifted andTalented Preschooler

The Recruitment Committee shall be composed of the SPED Supervisor, guidance counselor, principal, key teacher, and a SPED teacher.


Screening of prospective gifted and talented preschoolers shall be done by the Screening Committee composed of the SPED Supervisor, guidance counselor, and selected key teacher and SPED Teachers. Information sheet and other pertinent papers submitted will be evaluated. Interview of prospective gifted and talented preschoolers will be conducted based on the papers submitted.



· The informal assessment of gifted and talented children will be multi-dimensional and multi-factored. Informal assessment using the Parent's Checklist and Questionnaires (Headstart Form 2) and Pupil Interview Guide (Headstart Form 3) will be used including the SPED teacher­ made mental ability and creativity tests by the assessment team.

· The formal assessment using standardized mental ability tests will be taken by the child on the merit of the informal assessment results. It is however, suggested that administration and interpretation of these tests be done by a psychologist.

Hence the Assessment Team has to develop linkages with schools or institutions that may have any, but not limited, to the following commonly used mental ability and creativity tests for children:

• Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven's Test)

• Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WIS-C)

• Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)

• Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test (OLMAT)

• Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT)

• Philippine lndiqenized Pre-School and Primary Intelligence Test (PIPIT)

• Philippine Creative Thinking Tests adapted from E. Paul Torrance

• Figural Tests A and B by E. Paul Torrance

• Creativity Test by Enriquez

Consolidation of Assessment Results The Assessment Team meets to consolidate results of informal and formal appraisals done, agrees and submits the assessment report with the corresponding recommendations to the Principal. All applicants who are ranked 1 - 30 are qualified for admission to the Headstart Program for the Gifted and Talented Preschoolers. The final list of qualifiers will be posted for information of all concerned. The Principal being the Head of the Assessment Team will inform the parent/guardian that his/her child qualifies to the Headstart Program. Parents of qualified pupils will be interviewed and given orientation regarding the program.



Pre-schoolers who are identified gifted and talented are now officially enrolled in SPED Centers and regular schools with Headstart Programs.

b. Evaluation of the Gifted and Talented Preschooler Progress

Evaluation is the process of observing and recording children’s work and developmental progress. Teachers need a system that enables them to document each childs growing abilities, interest, and skills in order to plan appropriate experiences and activities that will enhance development and learning for every child in the classroom.

These are some methods of assessing children’s progress

· A checklist outlines behaviors and skills that can be observed during regular classroom activities. These behaviors and skills should reflect the goals all objectives of the curriculum. Many teachers find it helpful to have this kind of observation. This checklist should be completed for each child at least twice during the year. About one month after the child has entered the program and again before the end of the year. For some children you may want top use the checklist more often perhaps focusing on specific areas of concern. The information you gather will enable you to determine each child’s progress and to plan for each child’s growth can be kept in the child’s folder and shared with parents.

· The Portfolio is a collection of a child’s work, document the child’s progress, also facilitates planning for each child. The portfolio should be large enough to accommodate a growing sample of items, such a drawings and writing samples, photographs of block structures, stories the child has dictated and/or illustrated and even tape recordings of a child reading or telling a story. The portfolio can also include teacher observations that seems significant, such as dramatic play episode or the child’s handling of a difficult social interaction.

Samples of children’s work might be included in their portfolios:

a. Socio-emotional development

A chart of the activity choices the child’s has made for a one-week period

Notes from parent conferences

Observations of the child’s dramatic play

b. Cognitive development

Artwork reflecting an understanding of relative signs

Tape recording a child telling story

Samples of invented spelling

Drawings with captions

Charts the child has made to track information

(e.g., the growth of plant)

Teacher observations of how the child responds of stories

c. Physical development

Photographs of block structure of pattern block design

A collage that involves cutting and pasting


Notes on games the child has successfully mastered

Photographs of a child on a climber

Items in portfolio can be shared with parents at conference to illustrate the child progress in the program.

· Pencil and paper test. These utilize the different type of test such as multiple choice, filling the blanks, matching type, etc. these can be in the form of the following:

- Formative test – This is given after a specific skill is taught developed

- Summative test – It is administered to check the mastery of various skills

· On the spot oral test – This is to measure the speaking and reading ability of the child

· Rubics – It is an alternate type of evaluation that measures performance, creativity, or an output of the learner


The quality and character of the head start curriculum is a vital ingredient to the eventual realization of a child’s capacity. The gifted, creative, and talented in the head start program, like any other preschoolers, have the right to a continuity of educational experience that meets their present and future needs. When an organized, thoughtful curriculum plan is in place and when that curriculum is supported by an articulate, informed educational leadership, the probability of capturing the interest and energy of our young thinkers is markedly enhanced. Certainly, an organized curriculum is a key ingredient in this complex blending of circumstances. It is crucial to the transformation of a gifted, creative and talented learner’s initial capacity for intellectual activity into a more mature individual with competence for academic and professional accomplishments.

The curriculum components include objectives, content, teaching-learning activities, teaching strategies/approaches, resources, assessment and differentiation that can address the learning needs of our pupils with high abilities.

The Curriculum and its Components

1. Objectives- these are competencies on knowledge, skills and attitudes to be developed among our preschoolers.

2. Content- these are broad statements about what we want pupils to know, understand, and be able to do.

3. Teaching-Learning Activities- These are cognitive tasks for pupils that are designed to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills specified in the content and learning goal

4. Teaching Strategis/Approaches- these are varied approaches for arranging pupils for effective teaching and learning in the classroom

5. Resources- these are the materials that support the learning and teaching activities

6. Assesment- these are the varied tools and techniques teachers use to measure pupils’ acquisition of content knowledge

7. Differentiation- this is a modification by teacher to accommodate pupils, varied levels of prior knowledge, cognitive skills, habit in mind, learning styles or interest

Lesson Plan during teaching K-Headstart class should be detailed and explain all of the activities during learning process. in Padre Gomez Headstart, time session were on A and B with different time

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